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Dinsdag 20 september: “How to practice TDD without shooting yourself in the foot” door Dennis Doomen

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Op dinsdag 20 september organiseert Blaak Selectie in samenwerking met Betabit opnieuw een kennissessie!

Tussen april en juni hebben we mensen de mogelijkheid geboden om op hun favoriete onderwerp te stemmen welke door Dennis Doomen gepresenteerd zal worden. Met 50% van de stemmen is hierbij het onderwerp “How to practice TDD without shooting yourself in the foot” als winnaar naar voren gekomen.

Het event is gratis (inschrijven verplicht, zie onderaan de pagina) en zal plaatsvinden op dinsdag 20 september op het hoofdkantoor van Betabit in Rotterdam. Vanaf 18:00u is men welkom voor een broodje en drankje en om 19:00u zal de presentatie beginnen.

Wat kunnen we verwachten?

How to practice TDD without shooting yourself in the foot. It’s 2016, so practices like Test Driven Development (TDD) have long found their way into organizations. However, the practices and principles to keep those unit tests maintainable haven’t really changed. Still, I regularly talk to developers that somehow ended up with an incomprehensible unmaintainable set of unit tests that they once believed in, but are now holding them back. So in this session I like to provide a refresh of those fundamental ideas and talk about why you should practice TDD, revealing intentions, naming conventions, state versus interaction based testing, and how to stay out of the debugger hell with proper mocking and assertion frameworks. And even if you believe you are well versed in the testing realm, join me anyway. Maybe we can learn some tips & tricks from the audience as well. Looking forward to it!

Wie is Dennis Doomen?

Dennis Doomen is an experienced .NET architect with a broad interest in Application Lifecycle Management, SOA, OO and Design Patterns. He is specialized in designing enterprise solutions based on the .NET technologies as well as providing coaching on all aspects of designing, building and maintaining enterprise systems. He is the author of, an assertion framework for fluently asserting the outcome of unit tests and he has published coding guidelines for C# 3.0, C# 4.0 and C# 5.0 on since 2001. He also maintains a blog on his everlasting quest for better solutions at You can reach him on twitter through @ddoomen.


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